
Been Putting Off Retirement Planning? Try These 3 Last-Minute Tips

Finance & Money Blog

Even though you have probably heard time and time again in your life that it is important to start with retirement planning as early as possible, it can be easy for time to slip away without making arrangements. Luckily, it's never too late to start thinking about your future. These are a few last-minute tips that can help you if you are in the position where you are doing your retirement planning a little later than expected.

7 August 2016

Four Tips To Help You When Turning Yourself In For A Warrant

Finance & Money Blog

When you find out there is a warrant for your arrest, your life may immediately get a little more stressful. The idea of jail time can mean separation from your family, getting fired from your job, and having a criminal record. The last thing you want to do is run from the warrant. This only means a life of looking over your shoulder and worrying about when the cops are going to show up and arrest you.

2 August 2016

Refuting Three Myths About Mobile Credit Card Processing

Finance & Money Blog

Accepting payments from customers is an essential task for any business, but this can be seemingly more difficult when it comes to mobile enterprise accepting credit cards. Fortunately, technological advances have made it possible for these merchants and services to easily accept these payments. However, if you have never given these services much consideration, you might need to have the following few myths about mobile credit card processing refuted. Myth: It Is Difficult To Process Credit Cards When Your Business Is Mobile

28 July 2016

3 Ways You Can Save On Your Taxes When You Purchase A New RV

Finance & Money Blog

If you are planning on purchasing a new RV, make sure that you let your accountant know about your purchase as well. Here are three different ways that you can save on your taxes when you purchase a new RV this summer. Sales Tax You may be to deduct some of the sales taxes that you paid towards your RV from your taxes this year. When purchasing a large ticket item, such as an RV, the sales taxes, even if the percentage is not that high in your state, can really start to add up.

27 July 2016

How To Do Your Holiday Shopping Without A Credit Card: Three Alternatives To Choose From

Finance & Money Blog

Holiday shopping can be expensive, and people sometimes turn to credit cards as a way to afford to buy gifts for everyone on their shopping lists. If you don't have a credit card or you don't want to use one to do your holiday shopping, here are three alternatives you can use to make sure you get the gifts you want to purchase without having to pull out a credit card at the checkout counter.

25 July 2016

3 Life Changes That Should Prompt You To Obtain Help From A Financial Guidance Center

Finance & Money Blog

Keeping your finances in order is one of the most responsible things you can do as a working adult. While budgeting, planning, and handling your debt may be fairly simple through most of your life, there are some life changes that can arise which will make these tasks harder to handle, and you could end up in the middle of a financial mess. Financial guidance centers offer a range of services from debt counseling to tax preparation and can be a priceless asset in sticky situations.

20 July 2016

Three Ways To Make Sure Your Personal Loans Build Credit Instead Of Wrecking It

Finance & Money Blog

If you're planning for the future at all, you probably realize that you'll have to have a good credit history if you ever want to buy a house or a car. Just because you need a little financial boost now shouldn't mean you need to wreck your chances of getting approved for a mortgage in the future. Use these three tips to make sure your personal loan actually helps you build a positive credit history.

19 July 2016

Your Money And Your Movie -- A Guide To Managing The Finances Of Your First Indie Film

Finance & Money Blog

Making your first independent film is a big step -- but an exciting one. And while your first priority will usually be translating your vision onto the silver screen, there are also many logistical tasks you'll have to oversee in order to make a successful movie. One of these will be to manage the money and financial aspects of your movie. So, if you're not an experienced accountant, how can you know what to do?

15 July 2016

4 Key Steps To Consolidating Your Way Out Of Debt

Finance & Money Blog

If you're a young person starting out with a lot of credit card debt, the idea of getting rid of it by consolidating is an appealing one. And for many, debt consolidation is a great debt relief tool. But there are a few key steps to follow in order to ensure that your consolidation truly helps your life. Take Stock. The first step is to assess where your debt, income and expenses are really at.

12 July 2016

Do You Need A Financial Planner In Your Twenties?

Finance & Money Blog

If you've recently graduated from college or graduate school and secured your first job, you're likely excited at the transition from paying to attend college classes and do homework to being paid (and being provided benefits) for the same type of work. Although you may still be focused on paying down the student loan debt accrued during your college years or finally upgrading your standard of living a bit, the financial choices you make at this point in your career could set the stage for the rest of your life.

1 July 2016